In this live stream, we make two appliances on one model! They both have pontics replacing the laterals. We will discuss why only one model and which order I make the retainers on a 3D model which is different than…
Doctor is asking for something special! Today we make a splint on a Erkoform 3D motion with an Occluform-3 attachment. I like this little thermoforming machine, i does the best job without the need for an air compressor! The Occluform…
Tonight's first episode of "Burning the Midnight Ortho" is of course with my partner in crime in most of these live stream experiments, Steve Szara of Szara Dental Lab! We talk about issues with employees and hard/soft night guards. Things I order for my Lab: The gear I use […]
That’s right, Frank is! Just kidding, I had fun making this. It has extra padding in the posterior for all those uppercuts! I started with 3mm green mouthguard material, I cut out the posterior and placed it back on the model The did another suck down over the model with […]
Here is the edited version of the previously posted videos about the clear aligner. This video shows the steps involved in making an invisible orthodontic retainer(Essix type) designed to move teeth using a series of 3 trays (invisible retainers) The steps involved include: Designing case to see how many trays […]
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with […]