Acrylic Designs Construction of Zebra Design by Cade Tippett|Published November 8, 2009 Sorry, its only still pictures and some are blurry, but you get the idea… Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published September 26, 2018 Wire Wednesday #26: Nance Button Today I work on a Fixed Space Maintainer Called a Nance Button. This appliance is used to hold the upper molars back […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published March 15, 2014 Trimming a Pontic for an Orthodontic Flipper (Free version) A video taking the time to show the process of trimming a denture pontic tooth down to fit an edintulous space. This […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published September 16, 2012 Inlay Acrylic Design I was asked by a patient to put the letters “YOLO” in her retainer. Yes, I showed my age by having to […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published April 30, 2017 How To: Safely and quickly remove wires from a retainer Today is a short review of the product I use to safely remove wires out of acrylic retainers for repair. You will […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn