Live Wire! episode one

I am going to try and start this new series for The Ortho Wire Podcast, called “Live Wire!”

This is where I am going to interview some of the movers and shakers of the orthodontic laboratory industry. Also, many of you lab owners and managers out there.

I hope to tie this community together by showing different perspectives, ideas and techniques among other things.

So my first guinea pig  interviewee is Michael Wright from Buffalo New York. He hails from OrthoDent Lab, but the main reason I wanted to get him on was his newest project;  It is the worlds first online orthodontic lab software and prescription software. This was a very fun interview and we covered a lot of topics but still feel like we barely scratched the surface.

Some of the topics we covered:

  •  3D Printing in the lab
  • Future of technology in the lab
  • the conception of esayRx
  • the implementation of this new lab software in your lab
  • and of course a live demo of the software in action! ( You guys have got to see the prescription designing part!)

You will have to forgive me and my interviewing skills, I was really excited about this interview and starting the new Live Wire! series. Plus I just getting started with google hangouts on air and how to work it while interviewing someone. I promise I will get better!

That reminds me if you are a Paid Subscriber be sure and add me to your Google+ account( just look up +retainerdesigner) and I will give each of you a special invite to each Live Wire! broadcast that way you can tune in while it is going on and even ask questions if you want and we will try and answer them on air.

If you are a Free Subscriber then I will just post them on the blog about a week later.

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