This is a followup video to the video on how to bend a Wraparound soldered to C's. I thought I would shoot a quick video on how to solder it after you bend it. Let me know if you have any questions...Thank You for your support! Interested in learning […]
c clasps
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with […]
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with […]
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with […]
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with […]
Well, here is the first of hopefully many special post for the members only area. I am going to put this first for the free subscribers, and once I figure out what the special content the paid members will receive, this will remain free. This is the uncut recording of […]
Here is a quick video showing how I bend the ‘C’ Clasps. Nothing special, these are pretty basic to do. I use .036 Wire for my ‘C’ Clasp and a large serrated beak lab plier. I have more videos of me bending the other side I will put that in […]