What happens when a doctor sends in a retainer to the lab to be repaired? We look over the problems and the different types of repair possibilities. Join me live and ask questions and make suggestions! Things I order for…
Sometimes a doctor will ask you to add a spring to an existing retainer. Here is one way to do it. Note: This method depends on the fact that the retainer fits the model very well. If the patient did not wear his/her retainer then you might have a model […]
***This is the free edited version of the Retainer Repair Video to see the full unedited version you will need to be a paid subscriber 🙂 *** Here is a video of me repairing a retainer. This shows the simplest method. The other method involves stripping out all the wires out […]
This post is for Patrons only. We would love to have you as a supporter of us over on Patreon.com/retainerdesigner you can have access to the whole site for $10 a month!To view this content, you must be a member of Retainer Designer's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with […]
Most Ortho labs are set up already to be able to provide this service to general dentist doctors. You may not know how to do this yet, but maybe after this video it will give you an idea how to do this. You will need is some cold-cure denture repair […]