The 4 Minute 3×3 Spring Clip / Gemini (explained in 13 min!)


Here is an example of you guys learning along with me…

Jason, the owner of the lab I am now working at took the time to explain one of our wire benders how he bends a 3×3 spring clip (usually in 4 min!). I whipped out my phone and tried to record most of it as he was explaining the different angles he looks at while he is bending the wire. Also how he uses the land marks of the mouth to measure his bends. Hope your able to hear his instructions.



[s2Stream player=”jwplayer-v6-rtmp” player_path=”/jwplayer/jwplayer.js” player_width=”100%” player_aspectratio=”16:9″ file_download=”3x3SpringClip.mp4″ /]


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