News & Stuff Welcome to by Cade Tippett|Published April 16, 2009|1 comment This is the area where you will find answers to your questions about the site. Depending on whether your a Doctor Patient or lab we got stuff for you.Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published October 10, 2009 How to use – Updated I noticed that my last video on how to use the site was old. A lot of things have been updated. Check […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published July 11, 2011 Brace Face LOL! I found this app while surfing the internets for interesting retainer news. This is an app found in the apple app store. […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published September 17, 2011 Illuminated retainer! Someone in New York has patened the idea of inserting an LED light into an upper retainer and when activated projects and […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
Published October 17, 2016 Patreon Announcement I have embarked on a new journey!I have created a Patreon account which will enable me to create the orthodontic lab school […] Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterMorePinterestTumblrRedditLinkedIn
One thought on “Welcome to”
Well, your website is very informative. I would like to conduct an interview with you right away. This will go on WRAL News on a new segment we made about retainer websites like yours. Meet me at the WRAL Station.