Membership Options

You are here because you clicked on a subscriber only post, some posts are free and some are for paid subscribers, click the "Free Subscribers" link in the category section to the right to see all the free posts.
If you would be interested in seeing the benefits of being a paid subscriber then read on.

I have partnered with Patreon for my members area:

Patreon Members $10/month and above get access to the locked post over her AKA "The Archive"

I am doing this as I build out my Ortho Laboratory on line courses so that Paid subscribers get a "sneak peak" of my online courses as I build them.


Paid Membership

Right now the paid subscribers  get:

1. Early access to most all the videos

2. Access to the uncut unedited raw videos, so you can see every little step I take in the construction of the appliances

3. Special requests for videos are very heavily considered over those of the free subscribers.

4. Some CDT exam help


Here are some ideas I had for the future:

1. Special secret email, so that members could contact me with requests for videos they would like to see.

2. Almost weekly uploads of tips, tricks and product reviews.

5. Live webcasts for all paid members (maybe once a week or month).Cover questions by the members that are logged into the channel.

6. CDT Practical Exam videos all in one place

Please comment below any ideas you would like to see in the paid membership area that would make it worth spending that kind of money.

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