Add a Spring to a Retainer

Sometimes a doctor will ask you to add a spring to an existing retainer. Here is one way to do it.

Note: This method depends on the fact that the retainer fits the model very well. If the patient did not wear his/her retainer then you might have a model that the retainer no longer fits on. In that case you will need to strip all the acrylic off and start over with new acrylic.

Prep the cast by removing any bubbles or artifacts that would hinder the retainer from seating all the way.

Prep the Cast
Prep the Cast

Mark Where you want your spring and cover marking with a thin layer of pink baseplate wax. Apply your separator at this point

Mark where you want your spring
Mark where you want your spring


 Adjust wire if needed to fit the retainer on the model.

Adjust wires if needed 2 - Add Sprint to Retainer
Adjust wires if needed 

Using a cutting burr, remove a square of acrylic from the retainer where the spring is going to go.

Remove Acrylic - Add Sprint to Retainer
Remove the acrylic for the spring

Bevel the edges of the square hole, this allows the new acrylic to stick better with out any delineation between the new and old acrylic.

Prep the acrylic edges - Add Sprint to Retainer
Bevel edges

A view of the beveled edges

Beveled edges
Beveled edges

Another view of the beveled edges.

Beveled edges
Beveled edges


Bend finger spring to fit hole you just cut out, Make sure you made enough room for the acrylic anchor on the finger spring

Bend finger spring to fit hole
Bend finger spring to fit hole

Wax finger spring into place with pick baseplate wax, keep in mind the boarders of you acrylic hole on the retainer

Wax spring into place
Wax spring into place

Test fit retainer into place to check for clearance of the spring

Test fit Retainer
Test fit Retainer

Apply Petroleum Jelly to the underside (tissue side) of the retainer, being careful not to get it on the beveled edges.

Apply petroleum Jelly to the underside
Apply petroleum jelly to the underside


Wax retainer to Model using generous amounts of sticky wax.

Wax retainer to model
Wax retainer to model


Add acrylic on top of the spring. Be sure to apply monomer first to the beveled edges to prep them to accept the new acrylic.

Apply acrylic to the spring and retainer
Apply acrylic to the spring and retainer

Be sure to overfill the area so you can grind it down even with the rest of the retainer

Apply Monomer - Add Sprint to Retainer

Grind new acrylic flat with old acrylic, pumice and polish

Finished 2 - Add Sprint to Retainer

Underside of retainer showing new finger spring and old finger spring

Underside of retainer with new spring
Underside of retainer with new spring

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